Nigeria, officially named the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is a diverse West African country. Nicknamed the "Giant of Africa," Nigeria is home to hundreds of different ethnicities, languages and butterfly species. Read More
When visiting any country, it is essential to educate yourself on a few do’s and don’ts to assimilate easily with the locals, here are the top five things you should never do in kenya. Read More
We have sequestered the generation to retirement communities and nursing facilities, and as they grow old and die – so does our heritage. Because more often than not, that generation failed to pass it on, while the next fails to retrieve it from them; it this heritage that important to embrace? Read More
Officially the Republic of Chad, this desert filled country has several regions; a desert zone in the north, the arid Sahelian belt in the centre and the fertile Sudanian Savanna in the South. Read More
A quick guide to the 10 most spoken languages in Africa, including how to say hello. Read More